Why this Site?

This site aims to help you validate CDDL, via one of 3 rust crates cddl, cddl-cat or cuddle (can only validate CDDL alone). You can also choose to validate your CDDL alone, with a JSON or a CBOR file. This site can also generate a Rust-project for you, based on your CDDL. It is open source and can be found on GitHub.

What is CBOR?

CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) is a binary format for encoding data that is designed to be efficient in terms of space and time. Thus, CBOR can be thought of as a binary equivalent to JSON. It is particularly useful for applications that operate on resource-constrained devices, such as IoT devices, where memory and processing power are limited. Additionally, CBOR is well-suited for high-speed data processing and transmission over the network due to its compact size and fast encoding/decoding. To learn more about CBOR, visit the CBOR website or read the CBOR specification.

What is CDDL?

CDDL (Concise Data Definition Language) is a language used to define data structures in a concise and human-readable form. It can be used as a quasi data-scheme for data formats like CBOR or JSON to define the format for use in network protocols and other applications. CDDL is particularly useful for defining data formats in protocols or APIs, as it allows developers to specify the structure and constraints of data in a clear and concise manner. To learn more about CDDL, read the CDDL specification.